Monday, January 28, 2013

Family Update

Wow! It's crazy to realize that it has been about two months since I last posted! Life is just moving right along as we stay busy with our little girls. Since it's been a while since I updated, I thought I'd tell you a bunch of fun, random stuff from our family.

  • Kaitlin is 8 months old (almost 9 months!)

She is starting to get mobile. She just started trying to crawl this week and is doing really well! She's not fully crawling a ton yet, but is so very close. It's exciting to see her begin to become more interactive in her play, finally realizing that she can get into things. It made me realize that we need to do some more baby proofing around here! Not only has she realized her desire to move, but she has fallen in love with food. She has pretty much not liked baby food at all, except for a few things, but she's always loved real food. Now, she's eating almost everything we are! Meat, veggies, some fruits, cheese, bread, etc... She loves to eat!

Last night, she finally slept through the night for the first time in her life! I tanked her up for a late night feeding at 10:40, right as we were going to bed, and I didn't hear a peep out of her until a little after 7am!!! For those of you who know we've been struggling A LOT with her sleeping habits, you'll rejoice with us! Ever since we went out of town in October and again in December, she has woken anywhere from every hour to every three hours, basically every single night. (She'd never slept longer than 5-6 hours at once anyways and that was only a handful of times.) I have been so exhausted and worn down from over 8 months of little sleep. Lord willing, this is a start to much better nights of sleep! We are so very grateful!

  • Abigail is talking up a storm now!

As soon as she hit 25 months, it's like she decided to come alive talking. I think being in Texas at Christmas and around her little cousins, family members, and little friends did a lot to help her communicate more! We can understand most of what she says now. She has such a little imagination and will have us cracking up with laughter as we listen to her. She can be pretty intense and serious at times as she talks, crossing her arms, and furrowing her brow. She is such a big sister to Kaitlin too, looking out for her, keeping things out of her hands that she thinks she shouldn't be holding. Haha... She loves to instruct her sister (a.k.a. She's a little bossy! haha) and we have to remind her that Mommy and Daddy are the ones who are allowed to get onto Kaitlin, not her.

Some of our sweet friends passed along their trundle bed for our girls so Abigail now has her own big girl bed. It took her a couple nights to adjust to it, but now she sleeps great in it! I still need to get her some cute girly bedding but for now she's using my old red quilt with some cute new polka dot sheets. I haven't decided if I'm going to make her comforter and pillows or buy them. We'll see how inspired I get as I look through Pinterest. :-)

  • It's been so cold here in Kentucky!
We've been spending most of our days inside since the beginning of the year. It's just too cold to get these little girls out. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 67 though so we are planning an exciting trip to the zoo. Can't wait! One of the best parts about living on a school campus is the indoor rec center that has a kids play room. We enjoy taking the girls up there and letting Abigail play with their little kitchen set. They also have an indoor kiddie pool that is perfect for them to play in!

  • We moved!

The day we returned from our drive home from Texas, we literally stopped by housing when we reached campus, picked up our new keys, and unloaded our car into our new apt (with Abigail being sick with the flu and 103 fever... thankfully friends graciously helped Kyle move our old apt over). We had previously been living in a second floor apartment (which does not have washer/dryer hookups). However, with two children, lots of steps and no washer/dryer, this was pretty much creating a vary difficult living situation for us. We have never had a washer/dryer since we got married and have done just fine working around taking laundry to on-site facilities. However, after Kaitlin was born, it just became too difficult for me to carry two kids and laundry back and forth. The Lord was so wonderfully gracious and housing was able to find us a first floor unit. We LOVE IT!!! It's the same size but we love being ground level and I feel like a new woman now that I can throw laundry in any time I need to! Praise the Lord for the simple things in life! :-)

Well this is just a small bit about life right now. Hopefully I can post more soon. For now, both girls are awake and calling for attention. Hope you are all doing well!

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