Getting ready to go feed the ducks...
My super handsome husband...
Daddy and his girls...
Kaitlin enjoyed napping while Abigail was busy watching the ducks...
We just loved our time together at the park. It was wonderful! We will definitely be planning more trips there this summer!
So, this is a side note, but I am SO thankful for hand-me-down clothes from friends for our girls! Today as we were preparing to go hang out with our friends I was trying to find a swimsuit that would fit Abigail, since she is growing and her 18 month suit is too small now, so I opened a box of hand-me-downs and on the very top was this adorable little pink suit. I just love it!
Abigail playing with her little friends...
They just love this water table!
Kaitlin and her fun giraffe seat were drawing attention from the big kids!
The little Missy in pink...
I just love this little girl!
So silly!
Here is Kaitlin all passed out after shopping earlier today... she was such a little trooper!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day today as well!
So glad ya'll had fun...such cute and sweet babies...thanks for posting these...I love ya'll.